Yayu and the Wimborne Folk Festival a Cinéma Vérité style short documentary and web/television series.
Yayu & The Wimborne Folk Festival is now a FINALIST for Best Documentary short for the 2018 Aphrodite Film Awards in New York.
Yayu & The Wimborne Folk Festival has been officially selected for the 2018 Aphrodite Film Awards in New York.
Yayu & The Wimborne Folk Festival has been officially selected for the London International Motion Picture Awards 2019
The Official Trailer Yayu & The Wimborne Folk Festival

For this Television shoot we filmed the 2018 Wimborne Folk Festival over two days, using my trusted Canon C300 MK1 and now relatively ancient Canon 60D, operated by my goto camera person Listya, who knows this camera and my preferred style of filming from us working on so many film projects together. I like the observational style of documentary filming but of course my filming subjects are interacting with the camera in the Cinéma Vérité style, which I think works well and is significantly better in my experience than the default documentary style, where you film a bit of footage, fly on the wall and insert interviews in a boring fashion in between the action or add on narrative because the images don’t really interpret what is going on. Although I have of course added some narration myself but only the minimal amount required for a very short sequence in the film.

As well as using my own cameras I also got to use my newly acquired Aputure LED lighting for the interior scenes shot in the restaurants kitchen. These new lights are a vast improvement over the Red Heads I used to have. They are battery powered and CRI 95+ (Colour Rating Index) rated, which means they are effectively daylight rated, They were perfect for indoor use in the limited space of a kitchen and independent of power sockets. This meant they could be positioned in just the right location without the compromise of being near a power socket or with the limitations of having to use extension cables and their associated risk assessments, trip hazard etc.
As usual I made sure I had plenty of coverage, I’ve probably got enough footage to create several film edits, but as this is hopefully destined for commercial Television or web series the required length is typically around 20 minutes including credits, to allow for advertising during its 30 minute slot. I might create a standalone edit of the festival for promotional purposes by Wimborne B.I.D if requested.
The full Folk Dance sequence ( Fertility Dance )
Yau & The Wimborne Folk Festival is in post production, which I am editing on my recently updated MacBook Pro running the latest version of Premiere Pro CC and After Effects CC. There’s several updates to the latest versions of Adobe CC, which includes some very interesting title creation tools, which I may include in creating the final version of this edit. Watch out for my blog entry on this.
I am also currently working on my least favourite part of the filmmaking and editing process, creating English captions for the International markets. I tried one of the few automated processes first, with some hilarious results, but for accuracy you really have to just sit down and transcribe the film, create a list and manually copy and paste into the captions box and the timeline.
With the filming completed and editing well under way, there’s already plans to create the followup episode and indeed episodes to be filmed both here in the UK and in Indonesia at the end of the year with support from the Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
A short extract from the Indonesian Television Pilot ‘Yayu & the Wimborne Folk Festival’ , which will soon be released this year. This scene was created to explore Indonesian culture here in England. As Yayu is in the process of creating a greater presence in the UK promoting Indonesia culture through her food and books.